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Michael Allan lives in central Florida with his parents. He attends weekly meetings with other authors in the area, where they discuss their upcoming works and possible future collaborations (as well as pop culture, because staying on-topic is hard). Outside of writing he has a passion for all forms of fiction, from television and movies to video games and books. His main goal in life has always been to entertain and be entertained, and it's working out well for him so far.



Michael is an up-and-coming Independent Author.
His interests lie mostly in the Sword & Sorcery and Superhero genres.

After the release of his first book, The Brothers of Blue Fire - Book 1 in The Faigann Trilogy, he is hard at work on several projects. He is finishing the second draft of a Superhero novel, outlining a new Dark Fantasy novel, and working on The Building Storm - Book 2 of The Faigann Trilogy.

 WHO IS Michael Allan?  

© 2015 by Michael Allan & Full Circle Endeavors

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